445. Letter From Secretary of Defense McNamara to Secretary of State Rusk1
Dear Dean:
Recently, the Joint Chiefs of Staff forwarded for my approval a Master Plan for the National Military Command System (NMCS) designed to improve the responsiveness of the NMCS to National Command Authorities. Copies are attached.2 I have approved the Master Plan for planning purposes and implementation, as appropriate, within the Department of Defense.
National Security Action Memorandum No. 166 of 25 June 19623 requires that the NMCS form the basis of a system to serve the needs of the President and the top civilian leaders as well as those of the Department of Defense over a spectrum of emergency conditions. To fulfill this assignment, you will note that the Master Plan provides for participation by Department of State personnel in the activities of the National Military Command Center and the alternate command centers. Our proposal is to test this arrangement initially in the National Military Command Center and in the alternates on land and at sea. Later we plan to expand the arrangement to include the National Emergency Airborne Command Post. In addition, the Plan proposes that the Department of Defense provide representation in the Department of State Operations Center.
I am also attaching a draft State-Defense Agreement recommended by the Joint Chiefs of Staff pertaining to this exchange of personnel which I understand was worked out informally with your people.4 If [Page 1011] the proposed Agreement meets with your approval, we will take the necessary steps to put it in final form and obtain formal Department of State authentication. We are in the process of negotiating similar agreements for participation in the activities of the command centers by representatives of the Director of Central Intelligence and the Director of the Office of Emergency Planning.
Subsequent to securing your approval of the proposed State-Defense Agreement, and approval by other agencies of agreements, as appropriate, I propose to promulgate the Master Plan as a Department of Defense directive. In this regard, I welcome your comments on the Plan as it pertains to the Department of State.
Response at your earliest convenience would be greatly appreciated.