339. Telegram From the Mission in Geneva to the Department of State1

1269. From USDel NARCOM. During today’s session of Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Greek observer announced his government’s intention seek ratification 1953 Opium Protocol. UK Delegate angrily asked Greek observer for explanation why Greece, after lapse of nine years, now seeking ratification. After explanation, apparently acceptable to other delegates, was given UK Delegate asked for formal explanation from Greek Government, which was ignored by Greek observer.

FYI. Purpose this cable inform Embassy Athens officers who worked with Treasury Dept officers and Greek officials to bring about ratification 1953 Protocol, to be alert for possible pressure on part UK to have Greek Govt shelve plans for ratification. End FYI.

Message Unsigned
  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1960–63, 341.9/5–2862. Limited Official Use. Repeated to Athens.