181. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts1
365. ChiRep—Outer Mongolia. FYI only: GRC has responded negatively to high level US effort persuade them not veto Outer Mongolia’s admission UN.2 Every indication is that Chinese will veto Outer Mongolia when SC meets, probably early September, and that Soviets will then veto Mauritanian application. Further complication is French threat to veto Sierra Leone and Kuwait if Mauritania not admitted.
In New York Stevenson told French representative Berard that most recent reports from Taipei indicate Chiang determined to veto Outer Mongolia. Berard said he certain that French Africans would retaliate by voting against West on Chirep issue, including “important question” proposal. If OM not vetoed and Mauritania admitted Berard believed all Brazza group except Senegal would go along with US on this question. Berard doubted that French Africans would support US on important question issue if US voted for OM rather than abstain in face GRC veto; but Berard said he would sound out French Africans on this point.
USUN reported yesterday that Lokman (Mauritania) says it now clear to Brazza group from public statements coming from Taiwan that China will veto OM membership, thereby bringing about Soviet veto Mauritania. Lokman says reaction Brazza group UN representatives has been to “unanimously recommend to the Govts. to decide at Tananarive Conference” (Sept 6–12) to retaliate AGAINST China by voting against them on Chirep. USUN also reported French suggested Brazzaville group might consider alternative of not having Mauritanian application brought up at next SC meeting, in hope this will put group in better bargaining position.
Information this tel should be closely held. Total situation now being reviewed and further instructions will follow. End FYI.
- Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files, 1960–63, 303/8–3161. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Alfred E. Wellons, cleared by Virginia F. Hartley, William B. Buffum, and Gene F. Caprio (IO/UNP), Louise McNutt (FE), George L. Rueckert (EUR), Robert W. Rinden (CA), and Jesse MacKnight (AF); and approved by Wallner. Sent to Abidjan, Addis Ababa, Bangui, Benghazi, Brazzaville, Cotonou, Dakar, Fort Lamy, Freetown, Lagos, Leopoldville, Lome, Libreville, London, Mogadiscio, Monrovia, Niamey, Ouagadougou, Paris, Pretoria, Taipei, Tananarive, Tripoli, Tunis, Yaounde, and USUN.↩
- On August 25 Vice President and Prime Minister Chen Cheng, Deputy Prime Minister Wang Yun-wa, and Foreign Minister Shen Chang-huan reaffirmed the Republic of China’s opposition to admitting Outer Mongolia to the United Nations. (Ibid., 303/8–2561)↩