477. Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to the Department of State0
Secto 5. CINCPAC for POLAD. Following summary main points Secretary’s conversation with Thanat Khoman April 7.
1) Thanat said Prime Minister instructed him express appreciation for President’s statement of US support of Thailand through SEATO.1 This “very welcome” statement had cleared atmosphere Thai-US relationships. Sarit also wanted him convey Thailand’s firm intention continue work closely with US and clarify there no change in Thai position. Secretary responded President would be pleased and heartened to know that our close relationship remains unchanged. Said US position regarding security SEA also remains solid. He cited our efforts in Vietnam [Page 996] where US suffering casualties every week as evidence our continued commitment to security of area.
In continuing, Thanat “speaking frankly” said Thailand had practically accepted US military base. It did so without bargaining, its cooperation is without reservation and immediate (troop movements last year), Thailand does not ask [for] money as some European countries do. Thailand, however, wants be understood by US in this way. Reports such as that of Senator Mansfield about “one-sided assistance” do not reflect Thailand’s attitude and position. Secretary replied that Mansfield report not US policy. Said that if we do not always refer publicly to cooperation of allies it is because in some cases it would be embarrassing to them. Recent difficulty with Canada, for example, really involved issue of US-Canadian military relationships. He wanted Thanat to know, however, that President understands Thailand’s cooperation. We will try to make clear in SEATO meetings and elsewhere our genuine appreciation of contribution of Thailand to our mutual defense.
In discussion counter-subversion Northeast Thanat said difficult know true extent subversive threat but Thai must act quickly. He emphatically stated Thailand determined eliminate subversive problem.
Malaysia. Thanat does not believe Indonesia will create crisis over Malaysia, said Malaya and Philippines now understand one another (Secretary referred his constructive role in this matter). Thanat doubted if Philippines would raise Malaysia in SEATO sessions. “Philippines in happy mood.”
Burma. Relations are good. Burmese inherently suspicious and therefore surprised when Thai quickly accepted proposals incorporated in agreement to be signed soon on cultural and trade matters. Thanat believes Tin Pe position waning. Burmese have not recently reflected concern about KMT troops but worried about Shans. When Secretary asked if Burma worried about Chinese attack on India through Burma, Thanat responded Burmese do not want to discuss China. Doubtful Burma interested joining ASA any time soon but Thailand doing same things bilaterally with Burma; smilingly expressed hope Burma will participate in ASA golf tournament.
Laos. Quinim2 remained “in shell” during King’s recent visit Bangkok. When Secretary said that during US visit King seemed disturbed about developments in Laos, Thanat said doubted King ever really disturbed about anything. Visit of Souvanna Phouma to [garble] very useful as “he now knows us better.” Secretary expressed hope King of Thailand could prevail upon King of Laos exercise more leadership.
[Page 997]USSR. In speculative discussion about Moscow-Peiping relations, Secretary wondered whether there was danger that in seeking agreement on some issue to try diminish gap, they might find common ground in more aggressive communist action in Southeast Asia. Thanat replied his personal view that USSR not willing leave ground entirely to ChiComs. Soviet Ambassador Bangkok strictly avoids discussion China. Thanat also believes North Vietnamese not willing be submissive ChiComs.
Cambodia. Not surprisingly Thanat expressed fear Cambodia may be site decisive change in communism in SEA. Secretary assured him US has no intention providing jets to match Soviet offer MIGs.
India. Thanat not sure extent to which new India outlook will be manifest, [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] Indians have invited him to visit, he will do so on return trip Bangkok, and will know more about their attitude after visit.
June SEATO exercise.3Thanat said Thai people will not object foreign troops but real problem for Thailand is cost. These exercises expensive and ‘money perhaps better spent on economic development. Exercise will be more productive if, as proposed, troops help with civic action—not just distribution water tanks or school kits, but in construction simple shelters or bridges and perhaps well digging. Secretary agreed this most useful and assured Thanat US would follow up.
Other matters Secretary said Thanat had performed useful service in encouraging change in SEATO voting procedures. They agreed SEATO keeps other countries involved in defense SEA. Secretary cited France (referring recent statements MILADs meeting Paris) and Australia to which Thanat replied had more confidence Australia than France. Thanat reported Sarit’s health very good.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, P9L THAI-US. Secret. Repeated to Bangkok, Karachi, Manila, Canberra, Wellington, London, and CINCPAC for POLAD. Rusk and Thanat were attending the Eighth Ministerial Meeting of the SEATO Council April 1–10 in Paris.↩
- Thanat is apparently referring to President Kennedy’s statement to Ambassador Vistur Arthayukti on April 3; see Document 476.↩
- Quinim Pholsena, Lao Foreign Minister.↩
- Exercise Dhanarajata in Thailand June 11–24; see Document 478.↩