109. Telegram From the Embassy in Cambodia to the Department of State0

306. CINCPAC for POLAD. Deptel 202.1 I obtained interview with Acting SecState FonAffs Norodom Phurissara this morning and made presentation outlined Deptel 2002 as modified by reftel. I laid particular stress on fact I was acting under instructions, that USG could not ignore signed public accusations on the part of Chief of State of friendly government, and that effect of such public accusations and criticism was to hamper any efforts USG might make to attempt ease Khmer Serei problem as it had done in past.

Phurissara said RKG grateful for present and past US assistance; current suspicions arose, he said, not from direct evidence but from deductions and reasoning, implying RKG believed Thai and Vietnamese support Khmer Serei, of which Cambodians convinced, could not take place without US complicity or at least consent. In response my suggestion RKG supply information as to exact location Khmer Serei transmitters, Phurissara asked whether, if such information supplied, USG would see to it that broadcasts stopped. I said we could give no such guarantees but that information as to exact location and circumstances of broadcasts could assist us in determining whether there was any possibility for useful action on our part. Phurissara said broadcasts created resentment and confusion among Cambodian public and were highly irritating to Prince Sihanouk. He said relations between Cambodia and its neighbors would be improved if broadcasts were halted. I repeated that we desired more information in order to judge whether there was some way we could be helpful but that public accusations by high Cambodian officials hampered our efforts.

Interview closed on friendly note, with Phurissara expressing appreciation frank statement US views. His private secretary took notes [Page 244] throughout interview, and we can expect full report reach Sihanouk in spite latter’s retirement from public life for two-week “diet and rest cure”.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL CAMB-US. Confidential. Repeated to Bangkok, Saigon, and CINCPAC.
  2. In telegram 202, October 19, the Department informed the Embassy that its exploratory discussion with Nong Kimny as reported in telegram 200 to Phnom Penh (see footnote 2 below) was not a substitute for Embassy representations. [text not declassified] (Department of State, Central Files, POL CAMB-US)
  3. In telegram 200, October 19, the Department reported on the discussion with Nong Kimny and outlined the basic approach that it believed the Embassy should make to Phurissara. (Ibid., AID (US)-CAMB)
  4. In telegram 314 from Phnom Penh, October 28, Chargé Spivack reported on a conversation with Penn Nouth, who said he had been asked to make clear that Sihanouk’s accusations were directed only toward the CIA and not intended to apply to the U.S. Government. Penn Nouth stated that Cambodia was grateful for U.S. aid and support and appreciated its respect for Cambodian neutrality, but was convinced that the CIA was supporting the Khmer Serei. (Ibid., POL CAMB-US).