102. Telegram From the Embassy in Cambodia to the Department of State0
644. CINCPAC for POLAD. Deptel 529.1 Conveyed to SecState FonAffairs Sambath this afternoon points outlined final two paragraphs Embtel 6392 re plot by Cambodian dissidents against Cambodia, stressing particularly US awareness Sihanouk role in unification and stability of country, recalling former Ambassador Trimble’s similar approach to Sihanouk in June 19623 and making clear I was acting under instructions my government.
When I first introduced subject, explaining I was doing so because press was implying US complicity, Sambath said he had not considered US involved in this affair. He thanked me for my approach and said he [Page 230] would report it to Sihanouk. When I said I would be willing make similar statement to Sihanouk during audience now scheduled for 11:30 a.m. tomorrow4 if Sambath thought it desirable, latter quickly said that he thought it sufficient I had made these statements to him, which he would pass on to Sihanouk. It was clear he thought preferable for me not to raise matter with Sihanouk.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL CAMB. Confidential; Priority; Limit Distribution. Repeated to Bangkok, Saigon, and CINCPAC.↩
- In this one-line telegram, March 2, the Department approved the course of action proposed by the Embassy in telegram 639 from Phnom Penh (see footnote 2 below). (Department of State, Central Files, POL CAMB-CHICOM)↩
- In telegram 639, March 2, the Embassy suggested that in light of allegations by Sihanouk of plots against him, the United States should make an official confidential denial to the Cambodian Government at the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs level. Ambassador Sprouse proposed to tell Secretary of State Sambath that the U.S. Government “strongly disapproved of anti-Cambodian subversion on part of Khmer dissidents and if provided with information on which RKG concern based would do all in its power to quash them.” (Ibid.)↩
- See Document 85.↩
- See footnote 2, Document 105.↩