188. Memorandum From Secretary of State Rusk to President Kennedy0


  • Interpretation of National Security Council Policy on Africa

I am informed that certain portions of the guidance contained in present United States policy toward Africa (NSC 6005/1, Policy Toward West Africa, April 9, 1960;1 and NSC 6001, Policy Toward South, Central and East Africa, January 19, 1960)2 have in the past been interpreted in such a way as to limit unduly the flexibility and freedom of action required for an effective United States approach to African developments. These limitations have been based particularly on the interpretation of wording of paragraphs having to do with economic assistance. Typical of the language in question is that portion of paragraph 34b of NSC 6005/1 which states that the United States should, to the maximum extent feasible, rely on specified sources other than the U.S.

I recognize how important it is that other Free World powers, particularly the former metropoles, continue and where possible expand their efforts to meet the need for external capital of the territories and emerging nations of the area. In our activities and programs we should not take any action that would serve to discourage or supplant these efforts—indeed we should make every effort to urge them to do more. It is my understanding, however, based upon our discussion at the Council meeting of February 9 in which the Secretary of the Treasury participated, that the language of the policy is in the future to be interpreted in such a way as to provide the needed flexibility and freedom of action. Under this interpretation we would not, for example, be called upon for such a strong burden of proof as has been required in the past that the needed assistance was not available from others, before proceeding with assistance deemed to be in the United States interest.

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The Department is now reviewing the whole of United States policy toward Africa, and we will be developing new proposals for future guidance.

Dean Rusk3
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.70/2-1561. Secret. No drafting information appears on the source text. An attached memorandum from George McGhee, Chairman of the Policy Planning Council, to Secretary Rusk recommends that the Secretary sign the memorandum to the President setting forth McGhee’s understanding of the interpretation agreed upon at the February 9 NSC meeting by Rusk, Secretary of the Treasury Dillon, and President Kennedy.
  2. For discussion of NSC 6005/1 at the 438th meeting of the National Security Council on March 24, 1960, and its subsequent approval at the 440th meeting on April 7, 1960, see Foreign Relations, 1958–1960, vol. XIV, pp. 9298 and 106109.
  3. Text of NSC 6001 is ibid., pp. 7892.
  4. Printed from a copy that indicates Rusk signed the original.