133. Telegram From the Embassy in Morocco to the Department of State0

1695. Department telegram 1412 (State-Defense Message).1 Reference telegram contains basis for exploration with King of circumstances in which GOM might permit US retain use Kenitra area communications facilities after end of 1963.

I wish stress extremely sensitive nature this matter. I will limit messages thereon to this channel leaving to State-Defense distribution to other addressees on need-to-know basis.

I intend discuss our proposals with King at what in my judgment appears most propitious time and context. This will probably be within next two or three weeks. (State-Defense will recall this matter has been delayed principally for lack of specific proposal on our part since fall of 1960 when it was first broached to King then Crown Prince.)

I concur that “Navy package” need not be offered at initial stage of negotiations. If it is to be injected, we should have prior clearance with [Page 204] French who are currently engaged in small but apparently effective and promising Naval assistance program here.

I have gone over reference telegram with Captain Cox of Kenitra and with DCM. Captain Cox is fully briefed and prepared advise and assist me. His attitude most understanding and helpful.

In airgram of this date2 I am conveying to State-Defense some personal views on this subject. These views will not prevent my going ahead with presentation to King as instructed but may be helpful in State-Defense’s overall policy formulation.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 771.56311/4-262. Secret; Limit Distribution.
  2. Dated March 21. (Ibid., 771.56311/12-561)
  3. Airgram A-371 from Rabat, April 4. (Ibid., 771.56311/4-462)