69. Memorandum From the Department of State Executive Secretary (Brubeck) to the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy)0


  • Implications of the Revolution in Yemen


The military group which overthrew the Monarchy September 26 appears to be in control of the major cities of Yemen although two major tribal groups are reported withholding their support. Prince Hassan, Yemen’s delegate to the United Nations and principal claimant to the Imamate, is now in Saudi Arabia where he appears to be receiving arms, funds and other support to assist in organizing tribal resistance to the revolutionary regime. Civil war may ensue. King Saud apparently considers the pro-Nasser Yemeni regime as a mortal threat to his position. Britain has already indicated that it considers the establishment of a pro-U.A.R. government in Yemen as a potential threat to its position in Aden and, by extension, in the Persian Gulf but presumably will not wish to employ its own forces in Yemen. Our interests in the area generally coincide with those of the British. We propose delaying recognition until the situation is clearer. The Sino-Soviet Bloc has gained some influence in Yemen through an assistance program, and the Soviet Union has welcomed and extended recognition to the new regime, hoping to strengthen its position. The U.A.R., which was probably aware of rebel intentions and which may well have supported the movement, has also recognized the regime and warned against Saudi Arabian or other foreign intervention against the new Republic. Its prestige is thus committed to its success. We hope to avoid direct involvement in any struggle for power in Yemen but are lending political support to Britain’s position in Aden. If the new regime appears in danger of Soviet domination we shall review our present disinclination to support Prince Hassan.

[Here follows the body of the report.]

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 786H.00/10-562. Confidential. Drafted by Killgore, concurred in by Glidden (INR), and cleared by Grant and Bergeson (EUR/BNA).