38. Memorandum From the Director of Intelligence and Research (Hilsman) to Secretary of State Rusk0

Intelligence Note: Pro-Nasser Army Coup Plot in the Yemen

Army Plotters Plan Overthrow of Regime. A recent report states that a group of Yemeni Army officers is conspiring “perhaps shortly” to assassinate [Page 92] the Imam, arrest Crown Prince Badr, and establish a republic. The plotters are believed to have Nasser’s support and to have gained the adherence of important tribal leaders.

Nasser Needs Success. In the wake of his continued failure to stage a comeback in Syria, Nasser probably feels the need for some concrete victory in the war he declared against the “reactionaries” following the breakup of the UAR and the UAS at the end of 1961. His intensified campaign to bring the Yemen back into the fold was heralded by the pro-Nasser student riot in San’a in July and by the Cairo radio’s subsequent publicizing of unrest in the Yemen.

Turmoil Ahead in the Yemen. If this attempt fails, the Imam’s repressive measures will become increasingly severe, but Nasser probably will try again. If it succeeds, the new regime may be unable for some time to extend its control over the entire country and a struggle for power may ensue among the enemies of the old regime. Both the Bloc and the British will encourage opposition to any pro-Nasser move.

  1. Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Countries Series, Yemen, 8/61–9/62. Secret; Noforn. No drafting information appears on the source text. The memorandum was received in the National Security Council at 3:18 p.m. on September 14.