61. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Iran0

1304. In final audience with Shah before your departure1 convey following points as official view USG:

Principal danger independence and integrity of Iran flows from pressures Mosadeq partisans and their allies on government. Factors promoting this political disunity deepseated and possibly inevitable, but facts of current situation demand urgent attention.
USG pleased Shah has appointed Ali Amini as Prime Minister. Amini represents real opportunity to create new political and psychological framework based on clear appreciation political and economic realities. USG hopes and expects Shah will continue extend full support PriMin in overcoming difficulties which confront GOI.
USG feels events past six months have demonstrated Shah should avoid public responsibility for governmental decisions, and USG congratulates Shah for recent steps designed restore his position and that of monarchy to situation wherein inevitable popular grumbling of society in transition will not be directed against monarchy which is core national stability.
USG convinced that internal political conditions Iran severely limit further expansion size or expenditures Iran armed forces, and that such expansion at this time would intensify principal current threat Iranian integrity, which is political disunity. Size and cost of military establishments have become a target non-communist internal dissidents. Accordingly USG is deferring for time being consideration any projects involving major advances size or equipment level Iranian armed forces, or any radical increases in level of equipment for existing units, whose proficiency USG confidently expects to continue to improve with such modest equipment modernization as appears desirable and feasible from time to time.
USG remains deeply concerned integrity and stability Iran and intends do its best assist GOI in its efforts overcome difficulties which now beset it, as PriMin has been informed. USG is confident GOI will be successful this endeavor, and looks forward to further cooperation with GOI in long-range social and economic development.

FYI. Dept realizes difficulty and danger involved in conveying these home truths to Shah. In view excellent personal relationship you have established with Shah, Dept confident your ability accomplish this difficult task. End FYI.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 788.00/6–361. Secret. Drafted by Bowling; cleared in draft by Grantham, Martin, and Baxter; and approved by Talbot who initialed for Bowles.
  2. Ambassador Wailes left Tehran on June 9.