344. Telegram From the Embassy in Portugal to the Department of State0

66. Embassy officer called at Foreign Office today at request Director General Political Affairs Fragoso who opened conversation by stating he was sorry he had very serious matter discuss which had pained GOP. He then said rather sarcastically that Mr. Williams during his recent trip had made no speeches but had held private talks with high officials.1 During one of these talks he stated US wished have independence Angola and Mozambique speeded up and once they were independent would provide all possible economic aid. He said that he was aware difficulties [Page 942] this separation would mean for Portugal mainly of economic and social character, but that US was ready help Portugal. He reiterated that there could be no deviation in US policy toward Africa.

Fragoso asserted with some feeling that this statement was inconsistent with what Mr. Rusk had come to Lisbon to say. Indeed this statement by high official USG was complete denial recent talks. He said that Mr. Rusk and the Ambassador had reiterated on many occasions that US was interested maintenance Portuguese presence in and ties with African provinces, and he wondered what ties and what presence they had in mind in view of Mr. Williams’ remarks.

He termed this a step backward and said that it was unfortunate this position was expressed same time Secretary was reaffirming to Portuguese Ambassador what he had said here,2 indeed at very time when US and GOP were on point of opening talks on differences. He reiterated that after Secretary’s visit there had been an improvement in atmosphere but that this statement on part of high official USG again raised question of confidence and good faith.

Fragoso insisted there could be no doubt as to accuracy Williams’ statement and that US would not be able offer any denial.

Embassy officer during conversation reiterated several times USG’s interest in maintenance Portuguese presence Africa and that talks between two governments directed to this end.

At one point in response Fragoso said that Williams’ statement made clarification nature this presence imperative.

Fragoso also indicated Foreign Minister would want discuss above matter with Ambassador July 24.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 033.1100–WI/7–2362. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution.
  2. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs G. Mennen Williams visited Europe July 9–20.
  3. A memorandum of Rusk’s conversation with Pereira on July 18 is in Department of State, Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversation: Lot 65 D 330.
  4. Elbrick reported in telegram 67, July 24, that Nogueira had repeated the charges to him, and while the Foreign Minister was calm and affable, it was clear that he was very upset. (Ibid., Central Files, 033.1100–WI/7–2362)