57. Memorandum From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to Secretary of Defense McNamara0



  • Evaluation of Proposed Supplementary Phase, CIA Para-Military Plan, Cuba (S)
The Joint Chiefs of Staff have evaluated the military aspects of a supplementary phase to the CIA Para-Military Plan, Cuba, which is being proposed by the CIA to meet certain Department of State objections to the basic plan. The Joint Chiefs of Staff military evaluation of the basic plan was forwarded to you by JCSM-57-61, subject: “Military Evaluation of the CIA Para-Military Plan, Cuba,” dated 3 February 1961.1
The details of the proposed supplementary phase to the CIA Para-Military Plan, Cuba, are set forth in the Appendix hereto.
The conclusions of the evaluation of the military aspects of the proposed supplementary phase are as follows:
The selected objective area and the landing beach are suitable and adequate for the proposed operation.
In the time available the company can be assembled, organized, and reasonably well trained to accomplish its mission.
The company can be transported to and landed in the objective area.
The concept of the plan and the known or expected location of Cuban military forces indicate that surprise should be achieved and that the landing will be unopposed. e. The company will have the capability to protect the provisional government representation and to sustain itself ashore for a minimum of three to four days and will have a good chance of sustaining itself indefinitely.
The proposed operation can be supported logistically.
It is recommended that:
The Secretary of Defense support the views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as expressed in the above conclusions.
The views expressed in the above conclusions be transmitted to the Director of Central Intelligence for his information.
For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
L.L. Lemnitzer
Joint Chiefs of Staff



The purpose of this supplementary phase is to land an element of the provisional government and a Cuban volunteer infantry company of 162 men, in a separate objective area in Cuba prior to the implementation of the basic plan.
To accomplish this, CIA proposes to take the following meas-ures:
Move 130 of the Cuban volunteers currently recruited in the Miami area to [1-1/2 lines of source text not declassified] to join a cadre of 32 Cuban para-military trained personnel [less than 1 line of source text not declassified]. These 162 volunteers will be organized into a company and receive concentrated training by a cadre of US Army Special Forces personnel, from those currently assigned in Guatemala, for a period of approximately 12 days. The cadre of 32 para-military personnel have received approximately 9 months guerrilla training in Panama as action teams. Some of the 130 recruits have had previous military training.
This company will be equipped with small arms, mortars, and 57 mm recoilless rifles.
The company, with the provisional government representation, will be loaded [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] on a 1500 ton Cuban commercial ship presently under contract to CIA and transported to the objective area. At the objective area, the landing will be effected at night by using four outboard motor fishing craft transported by the merchant ship. This landing will be made 24-48 hours prior to the implementation of the basic plan. After the main landing has been made this company will continue to act as guerrillas in support of the main effort.
The company will be provided with communications equipment for contact with CIA base and aircraft.
The CIA plan envisions the company moving onto the high ground approximately two miles from the beach where it will provide protection for the provisional government representation.
Plan calls for utilization of airdrop for logistic support.
The Cuban provisional government in the US will announce through news media the establishment of provisional government representation ashore in Cuba. The implementation of the CIA propaganda plan will immediately follow.
The basic para-military plan, details of which are set forth in the staff study, subject: “Military Evaluation of the CIA Para-Military Plan, Cuba,” dated 3 February 1961, will then be implemented. To give the Task Force an increased capability a fifth infantry company is currently being organized in Guatemala. This company will have the mission of performing basic logistic tasks and constitute a reserve element for the Task Force.
  1. Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 330, OASD (C) A Files: FRC 71 A 2896, Cuba 381 (Sensitive). Top Secret.
  2. Document 35.