397. Memorandum Prepared by Acting Director of Central Intelligence Carter0


Special Group Meeting—General Lemnitzer stated that Mr. McCone (sic)1 had called him and posed a possible requirement for low-level photography of critical Cuban targets. General Lemnitzer said that from the military point of view this was feasible, utilizing either RF 101 or F8U aircraft flown by US pilots from various bases or carriers in the Caribbean area. The use of Cuban pilots would involve a delay of some months due to the precise training required.

I pointed out that we are accused daily of overflights in any case and that the possibility of Cuban protests should not dissuade us from making these flights if they are necessary. It was pointed out that other types of photography, while useful in pinpointing critical targets, do not give sufficient detail for precise identification of certain types of equipment. After some discussion, the Group agreed to take cognizance of this matter and requested that it be reopened at an appropriate time when specific targets and information needs could be identified. (Minutes of Meeting of the Special Group, 30 August 1962)2

Also mentioned that there might be an additional requirement for flights over Cuba. (Draft Rept. to PFIAB)3
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency,DCI (Dulles) Files: Job 80-B1676R, Box 17, Walter Elder Recop. No classification marking.
  2. According to an undated memorandum to the Director of Central Intelligence from Executive Director Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, it was Acting Director Carter who called General Lemnitzer on August 27 to discuss low-level photography over Cuba, not McCone. (Ibid., Box 17, Mongoose, Cuban Reconnaissance/Overflights)
  3. A copy of the minutes of this meeting is in Department of State, INR/IL Historical Files.
  4. Not found.