364. Paper by the Presidentʼs Military Representative (Taylor)0


Responsible Agency
A. Consideration of special NIE on Cuba.2 CIA
*B. Discussion of the effects of the existence of the Castro Government during the past year on the United States, Latin America, and the USSR. State
C. Explanation of the distinction between the four proposed courses of action.3 Responsible Agency: General Lansdale
*D. Discussion of a possible stepped up Course B as to content, implication and difference from present course of action. General Lansdale
E. Pros and Cons of the precommitment proposed in Course C. State, Defense, USIA
*F. Consequences of military intervention to include cost (personnel, units and equipment), effect on world-wide ability to react, possibility of a requirement for sustainedoccupation, the level of national mobilizationrequired, and Cuban counteraction. DOD, JCS
G. Future courses of action to be recommended to higher authority. All

*It is requested the responsible agencies for the topics marked with asterisks above circulate papers to the members of the Special Group (Augmented) by 8 August.

  1. Source: Department of State, S/S Files: Lot 65 D 438, Mongoose. Top Secret. Copies were sent to Rusk, McNamara, Robert Kennedy, Johnson, Gilpatric, McCone, Lemnitzer, Taylor, and Lansdale.
  2. See Document 371.
  3. Document 363.
  4. See Document 360.
  5. Printed from a copy that bears these typed initials.