352. Memorandum for the Record0

The following is taken from DCI notes used at the meeting on 12 July of the Special Group (Augmented):

[Page 846]

We know a lot about Cuba and the following are the essential elements in our assessment of the present situation:

Cuba belongs to Castro.
Castro is apparently strengthening his military forces, and photography and other intelligence have added to our knowledge of the size, composition and deployment of his forces.
Police security appears to be good.
Popular support for Castro has been substantially diminished.
Castro has a number of serious problems including, general economic situation, food, spare parts and lack of competent management of industries and agriculture.
No splits are apparent in the top leadership.
We have no penetration at the top.

Executive Assistant/DCI
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DCI (McCone) Files: Job 80-B01285A, Box 6,DCI Meetings with the President, 1 July 1962-31 December 1962. Secret; Eyes Only. Prepared by Elder.