331. Memorandum for the Record0


  • Cuba
General Lansdale reported on the activities as per the attached report.1 McCone expressed dissatisfaction with progress; stated nothing had been accomplished in putting Cubans in the Army for training and that no actions had been taken on matters decided two weeks ago. (In other words, I was very disagreeable.) McCone finally recommended more action; acceptance of attribution if necessary; establishment of training facilities; training of guerrillas and a more dynamic effort in the infiltration of both agents and guerrillas.

Action: A meeting should be arranged between McCone, Lansdale, and Harvey, immediately upon Harveyʼs return.

The Attorney General requested copies of the Daily Reports on the Opa Laka interrogation. General Taylor instructed Lansdale to prepare a summary of the reports, paying particular attention to specific [Page 801] items of information on complaints which were recurring in successive interviews.
General Taylor requested that Mr. Harvey attend the next meeting and report on agent activities.
General Taylor suggested that McCone review the memorandum summarizing “Communist Indoctrination of Latin America”2 with the President at the earliest opportunity.
NPIC made a most interesting presentation of the last Corona flight.

Action: McCone agreed to arrange briefing for the President at the earliest convenient time; also briefing for Macmillan when he is here, at a convenient time.

John A. McCone3
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DCI Files: Job 91-00741R, Box 1, Mongoose Papers. Secret; Eyes Only. Prepared by McCone. The memorandum apparently records a meeting of the Special Group (Augmented).
  2. Not found attached. An apparent reference to Document 328.
  3. Not found.
  4. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.