150. Telegram From Central Intelligence Agency Personnel in Nicaragua to the Central Intelligence Agency0

902. 1. Situation for air support beachhead completely out of our hands. This morningʼs effort extended us to the limit. Have now lost 5 Cuban pilots, 6 co-pilots, 2 American pilots, and one co-pilot, and observer either killed or captured. Unknown number aircraft out of commission. (Will advise.)

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2. Two crews shot down today were shot down during period “positive aggressive” Navy air support and cover granted and for one hour 1130Z to 1230Z 19 April. Per Hqs. 48341 (OUT 7237).

3. Still have faith. Awaiting your guidance.

  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DDO/LA/COG Files: Job 82-00679R, Box 3, Gen Maxwell Taylor, Green Study Group, Vol. II. Top Secret; Flash.
  2. Telegram 4834 to the Air Commander at Puerto Cabezas, April 19, 3:04 a.m., informed him that the Navy would provide 1 hour of air cover over the beaches at the Bay of Pigs, and enjoined him to make the best possible use of the opportunity to attack Cuban forces on the approaches to the airfield. (Ibid.) For text, see the Supplement.