134. Telegram From the Chief of Naval Operations (Burke) to the Commander in Chief, Atlantic (Dennison)0

190217Z. Exclusive for Adm Dennison and RAdm Clark from Burke. Bumpy Road. I was asked once again if it were possible to land an experienced Marine (or Naval officer who has amphibious knowledge) on beach with CEF without danger of him being killed or captured or it becoming known U.S. was involved. The urgency stems from lack of knowledge here of true situation on beach and what should be done now without overtly involving United States. If Johnny1 thinks it could be done within his own resources with little danger it should be done. I have said it too likely to fail but I may be wrong.

Please advise, Exclusive to Burke only, on this one along with any further information on situation or comments on how to get dope.

  1. Source: Naval Historical Center, Area Files, Bumpy Road Materials. Top Secret; Limited Distribution. Repeated to CTG 81.8, Exclusive for Clark from Burke.
  2. Admiral Clark.