126. Telegram From the Commander in Chief, Atlantic (Dennison) to the Commander, Key West Forces (McElroy)0

182152Z. Bumpy Road. Exclusive for RAdm McElroy info RAdms OʼDonnell, Clark, Gen Gray from Dennison. Up to 4 MIGs have been reported in the objective area. In the event we have to give support against MIGs desire you paint out US markings on six F3 H, arm them with Sidewinders and/or Sparrows and prepare them for combat operations in the objective area by daylight 19 April. Any launch directive will be issued by CINCLANTFLT. Hold close and try conceal above preparatory measures.

  1. Source: Naval Historical Center, Area Files, Bumpy Road Materials. Top Secret; Operational Immediate. Repeated to JCS, COMNAVB GTMO, and CTG 81.8.