122. Telegram From the Chief of the Subsidiary Activities Division (Gray) to the Commander in Chief, Atlantic (Dennison)0

JCS 994309. Bumpy Road. Exclusive for Adm Dennison and Adm Clark from Gen Gray.

With unmarked naval aircraft fly photo and eyeball reconnaissance ASAP to determine situation on beach.
12 Castro tanks reported on Red Beach operating against Cuban revolutionaries. We need data on situation ASAP.
Use officer observers with amphibious experience if quickly practicable, to give us judgement of situation. There may be Castro MIGs in area.
Aircraft protect themselves from attack. Take all possible precautions to avoid having operations identified as US. Make complete and frequent reports. More later.
  1. Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Countries Series, Cuba, Subjects, Taylor Report. Top Secret; Flash; Limited Distribution. According to the memorandum for the record prepared by Commander Mitchell, which traced the evolution of the rules of engagement, this message, sent on behalf of the JCS, was authorized by a telephone call to the JCS Operations Center from Admiral Burke at the White House. (National Defense University, Taylor Papers, Box 12, Cuba, Paramilitary Study)