653. Memorandum for the record by L.J. Legere, April 151

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  • Daily White House Staff Meeting, 15 April 1963

1. Mr. Bundy presided throughout the meeting.

[Here follows discussion of other subjects.]

7. Once again the subject of Senor Miro Cardona came up, and once again the concern of Mr. Bundy was obvious that this man will implicate several highly placed members of the Government if he decides to go all out in making an indignant statement. The President wanted to know how it happened that we did not have any notes available covering Miro Cardona’s call or calls on the President himself; Bundy said that it was really hard [Facsimile Page 2] for him (Bundy) to restrain himself in the face of this statement, since, of course, Bundy is always trying to persuade the President to permit the attendance in his office of responsible staff officers who might take a few notes.

  1. Daily White House staff meeting, including: Miro Cardona statement. Secret. 2 pp. NDU, Taylor Papers, Chairman’s Staff Group March–April 1963.