189. DOS Policy Directive PD/ARA–3.1, March 151
- Mexico—Mexico’s Protest on Salinity of Colorado River Water
References: None.
To develop through the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) complementary programs for the United States and Mexico, so that the most beneficial use will be made of the water delivered to Mexico under the Treaty of 1944, and as little of the water lost as possible.
Plan of Action:
1. The Commission should complete its review of every feasible means of solution and recommend the measures the two Governments should take to remove the problem. This is being done.
2. The Departments of State and Interior should consult with appropriate Congressional leaders, and should decide soonest whether it is better tacticly and legally to present an appropriations request for the US portion of the program in the budget of the Department of the Interior or the IBWC. The program should then be presented to the Bureau of the Budget and the Congress as soon as possible for the necessary appropriations.
3. Any construction required of the United States should be commenced at once, and Mexico should be urged to execute its complementary program at a similar rate.
[Typeset Page 452]4. If Mexico seems to proceed in good faith with its own program, the United States should make every practical effort to minimize losses to Mexico pending completion of the complementary programs.
Action by:
US Section, International Boundary and Water Commission
B1, with assistance and guidance from Interior and Department
Departments of Interior and State
B2 and B3, with assistance of US Section, IBWC
US Section, IBWC, Departments of State and Interior
[Facsimile Page 2]Addressees:
Department Distribution:
Mexico City
Other Agencies:
White House
Bureau of the Budget
ARA—Assistant Secretary Woodward
Interior: Mr. Langley (in substance)
IBWC: Colonel Hewitt
- Mexico’s protest on salinity of Colorado River water. Official Use Only. 2 pp. Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Department and Agencies Series, DOS Policy Directives.↩