6. Telegram 1703 to USUN, March 141

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RE: Disarmament

Confirming our meeting March 12, following are instructions on handling disarmament in relation to resumed GA:

1. Approach should be made to Gromyko in New York based on our willingness to agree in advance on GA resolution containing following points:

(a) Preamble would make clear that resolution is based on statements by representatives of US, UK, USSR and France regarding resumption of disarmament negotiations;

(b) Resolution would welcome announced intention of four powers to reconvene 10-nation Committee on Disarmament with certain officers of Conference as might emerge from negotiation on point 2 below;

(c) Resolution would welcome announced intention to resume disarmament negotiations in this body on or before August 1, 1961 in Geneva.

2. Re composition of forum, we would prefer as first bargaining position to stick with 10-nation forum already agreed by four Foreign Ministers in 1959. In probable event no agreement could be achieved on simply reconfirming 10-nation forum, we would be prepared accept either of following arrangements in this order of preference:

(a) Ten nations plus two other nations, presumably Mexico and India, [Facsimile Page 2] each of whom would designate distinguished citizens to serve as Chairman and Vice Chairman-Rapporteur, respectively. They would be officers of conference, but would not vote or participate in substantive debate.

(b) Same as (a) but with three officers rather than two.

3. In explaining date, both to Gromyko and later generally to UN delegations, you might well make clear our view that, as other delegates will appreciate, formal negotiating conference approached with serious intent requires great deal of informal advance discussion among parties to it. Any attempt to set date for formal negotiations unrealistically early should be read as intention merely to make propaganda rather than progress. FYI. Our intention is to have bilateral talks with Soviets in early summer, in full consultation with UK, France, Canada, and Italy for our part. You may indicate to Gromyko intention to discuss disarmament informally with Soviets in first instance, but there should be no repeat no discussion this procedure with other delegations in [Typeset Page 55] New York and no repeat no implication substantive disarmament discussions will take place in UN channels. END FYI.

4. Re QUOTE principles UNQUOTE or QUOTE directives UNQUOTE, we would prefer relatively simple statement merely defining general purpose of negotiations to be conducted in agreed forum. Something along following line might do (these clauses would follow QUOTE welcoming UNQUOTE clauses in para. 1 above):

(a) Declares that objective of further negotiations should be development of program for achievement of secure and peaceful world in which there is complete and general disarmament under effective international control, agreed and reliable procedures for just settlement of disputes without resort to force, and effective arrangements for maintenance of peace in accordance with principles of Charter of [Facsimile Page 3] United Nations;

(b) Urges parties concerned to seek and to implement in shortest possible time widest area of agreement that can be defined on measures directed toward foregoing objective;

(c) Urges further that parties concerned should not cease their efforts until full program for achievement of this objective has been agreed for submission to General Assembly for consideration.

5. Existing resolutions which have been filed in General Assembly (Canadian, Indian, etc.) might be handled by including in resolution on date and forum paragraph which would take note of all resolutions filed in 15th GA on this subject, and commend them to scrutiny of new agreed disarmament forum.

6. Following points FYI not for discussion Gromyko.

7. When disarmament is discussed in public, in connection with above resolution or otherwise, it is our thought that we would do so in context of following closely related subjects, further investigation of which we are now undertaking:

(a) US position at nuclear test ban talks Geneva, of which you will be fully apprised.

(b) Possible US proposal, in general terms at first, regarding nature of international agency which will be required to administer and control program looking toward general disarmament. We will be working further on this here.

(c) Possible US proposal to revive active discussions in establishment of UN force under Charter Articles 43 to 47.

(d) Possible US proposal for special UN commission to consider establishment regional machinery in order to avert arms races in such areas as Africa and Latin [Facsimile Page 4] America. President Eisenhower’s proposals on Africa in this regard (second point of his African program in GA address of Sept. 22, 1960) appear to have been greeted with deafening silence by nations which are nevertheless anxious for disarmament talks among big powers. Seems useful to have disarmament talks pro [Typeset Page 56] ceed among smaller powers concurrently with discussions of disarmament by big powers in major Geneva forum.

Would welcome your views on para. 7.

8. We have advised UK, French, Canadian and Italian Embassies here re approach set out in paras 1 through 5 above and will undertake inform NATO at appropriate time.

  1. Guidance on handling disarmament issue in General Assembly. Secret. 4 pp. Department of State, Central Files, 600.0012/3–1461.