53. Telegram 566 to USUN, September 161

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Verbatim text. Disarmament Item. We have been considering how best to handle disarmament item in 16th GA. Department assumes no repeat no agreement be reached in bilaterals on either forum or principles. On basis this assumption we request Mission’s comments on following tentative views:

1. Would not be our purpose seek obtain GA endorsement of US disarmament plan despite increased attractiveness over our preceeding plans it should have for GA membership. To do so would appear pure propaganda move and tend discredit plan as serious negotiating proposal we intend it be. Believe therefore new plan which we expect circulate following opening GA address should be used as illustrative and in support of effort get GA agreement to basic principles on which plan based. We considering for tactical reasons as well as educational purposes early introduction omnibus resolution containing principles on which we have been seeking Soviet agreement and our proposal for forum based on 5–5–10 as subgroup Disarmament Commission.

2. We anticipate Soviets will seek agreement their proposed principles and also put forward their 5–5–5 or possible 5–5–3 proposal for disarmament forum. Our estimate is that there will be compromise effort by Indians and other along lines last year. Believe, however, Soviet insistence on troika [Facsimile Page 2] concept and improved position we in as result our new proposal will put Soviet in position inability agree compromise proposal. If this proves to be right, even if US unable agree compromise, we would be in better position than last year.

3. Despite proposal we would make for forum comprised of 20 states as sub-group of DC, throughout disarmament discussions we would expect to indicate willingness as alternative to have detailed discussion disarmament plans and proposals in DC itself. Willingness utilize this large forum should help counter possible moves to call for world-wide disarmament conference. We would expect outcome of committee debate probably be resolution perhaps along lines Canadian resolution of last year. We would hope Canadians and others would be prepared submit resolution along lines contained A/C.1/L.255/Rev. 1.

4. Draft of suggested omnibus resolution follows:

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QUOTE: The General Assembly,


Conscious of its responsibilities under the Charter for disarmament;

Recalling the terms of its resolution 1378 (XIV) of 20 November 1959, which called upon Governments to make every effort to achieve a constructive solution of the disarmament problem and which expressed the hope that measures leading toward the goal of general and complete disarmament under effective international control would be worked out in detail and agreed upon in the shortest possible time;

Disturbed that, despite agreement in the common goal of general and complete disarmament under effective international control, disarmament negotiations have made little progress;

Welcoming the proposals for general and complete disarmament which have been [Facsimile Page 3] placed before it by the Government of the United States and of the Soviet Union, and [illegible in the original] other proposals submitted during the deliberations of the 16th General Assembly;

Believing that the goal of disarmament negotiations is to achieve agreement on a program which will ensure that a) disarmament is general and complete and war is no longer an instrument for settling international problems; and b) such disarmament is accompanied by the establishment of reliable procedures for the peaceful settlement of disputes and effective arrangements for the maintenance of peace in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter:

1. Recommends that the program for general and complete disarmament be based on the following principles: (Include US statement of principles or summarized version thereof).


Deeming it essential that negotiations for general and complete disarmament agreement under effective international control be resumed at the earliest possible time;

Recognizing that all states have a deep interest and concern in disarmament negotiations;

Recognizing further that:

(a) Those states most directly affected by disarmament should participate, to the extent practicable, in disarmament negotiations, and

(b) That there should be appropriate geographical representation in a disarmament forum,

Recommends that the Disarmament Commission appoint a sub-committee comprised of: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, France, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, [Facsimile Page 4] Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Roumania, Sweden, Tunisia, USSR, UAR, UK, and US.

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Further recommends that this subcommittee undertake as a matter of the utmost urgency, the negotiation of a disarmament agreement which could serve as a basis for world-wide agreement among nations on general and complete disarmament under effective international control. UNQUOTE.

  1. Strategy for handling disarmament issue at 16th U.N. General Assembly. Confidential. 4 pp. Department of State, Central Files, 600.0012/9–1661.