42. Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State0

2136. Eyes only Secretary. I had assumed Khrushchevʼs reference to need find reason for his meeting with President was motivated by need for explanation to ChiComs.1 In plane returning Moscow however I queried Dobrynin re meaning Khrushchevʼs remark and he replied he thought Khrushchev had in mind merely what kind statement would be made to press. He thought my remark to him that meeting would be presented simply as opportunity two statesmen get acquainted and review problems of mutual interest would cover matter but pointed out this was not fully made clear in letter.

Khrushchev obviously pleased with Presidentʼs initiative and believe it moderated position he took on various problems discussed.

He appeared extremely tired and his appearance shocked even Soviets who accompanied me. He said he was leaving today for Aklominsk and would go from there to Alma Ata returning Moscow about March 23 or 24. When I inquired when party program for October Congress would be published he replied in August or possibly earlier. He said he planned go Central Asia in early April for rest and work on program. He pointed out too early go Black Sea. He took pills during lunch and drank only small amount red wine. During lunch in addition usual toast to President, etc. he remarked President had asked him use diplomatic channel and he wished propose toast to this method getting some results.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.61/3-1061. Secret.
  2. See paragraph 3, Document 41.