382. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union0

1674. Mikoyan with Dobrynin and Smirnovsky called on Secretary afternoon November 26 for 80-minute conversation.1 Following based on uncleared memcon:

Secretary stressed continuity of US policy. US intends continue seek opportunities improve international relations and prospects for peace. [Page 838] Mikoyan replied pleasant hear these convincing words. He had favorable impression President Johnson and way he intends carry on. Thought useful to convey his impressions to Khrushchev and other leaders USSR.

Secretary said despite our differences and method of approach to problems, important that we explore all possibilities where areas of common interests might be found even though formal agreements could not be concluded. Cited as example arms race and expressed wish find some way this could be dampened and expenditures lessened even without formal agreement.

Secretary mentioned non-dissemination as one area where our two Governments had common interest in preventing non-nuclear powers obtaining nuclear weapons or nuclear capability. Much of remaining time was taken by Mikoyan in arguing against MLF along standard Soviet lines. Secretary explained in forceful terms MLF would not involve transfer of nuclear weapons to Germans or any other nation. Asked Soviets to wait until details on MLF known. This would convince them that no transfer involved. Mikoyan did agree that two Governments had common interest in non-dissemination.

Conversation concluded with Secretary saying on bilateral matters that we would go ahead with Consular Convention and exchanges negotiations, would be in touch on civil aviation and hoped to improve trade, though this was more difficult. As regards broader international questions, Secretary would be consulting with our Allies in December and perhaps after the New Year would be in position to discuss them.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 1 US-USSR. Confidential; Limit Distribution. Drafted and approved by Davis and cleared with Thompson.
  2. A copy of the 10-page memorandum of conversation is ibid., POL US-USSR.