Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Volume III, Vietnam, January–August 1963

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Volume III, Vietnam, January–August 1963
- Edward C. Keefer
- Louis J. Smith
General Editor:
- John P. Glennon
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- List of Sources
- List of Abbreviations
- List of Persons
- Vietnam, January-August 1963 (Documents 1–309)
- I. Reassessment, January 1-March 14, 1963: Hilsman-Forrestal Report,
Wheeler Mission, Mansfield Report, Comprehensive Plan, Thompson
Report (Documents 1–59)
- II. Increasing Tensions Between the United States and South Vietnam, March
15-May 8, 1963:
Reaction to the Mansfield Report, the “Press Problem,” the Number and Role of U.S. Advisers in Vietnam, Differences Over the Joint Counterinsurgency Fund (Documents 60–111) - III. Beginning of the Buddhist Crisis, May 9-June 16, 1963:
Incident in Hue, the Five Buddhist Demands, Use of Tear Gas in Hue, Self Immolation of Quang Duc, Negotiations in Saigon To Resolve the Crisis, Agreement on the Five Demands (Documents 112–179) - IV. The Deepening Crisis, June 17-August 20:
Repudiation of the June 16 Agreement, U.S. Efforts To Promote Conciliation, Press Coverage and International Opinion, July 18 Address by Diem, Renewed Denunciation of the Buddhists by the Nhus (Documents 180–260) - V. Raids on the Pagodas and a Possible Coup, August 21-28,
Martial Law, Lodge’s Arrival, Responsibility for the Crackdown on the Buddhists, the Cable of August 24, NSC Subcommittee Meetings on Vietnam, New Assessments From the Field, U.S. Support of the Coup (Documents 261–309)
- I. Reassessment, January 1-March 14, 1963: Hilsman-Forrestal Report,
Wheeler Mission, Mansfield Report, Comprehensive Plan, Thompson
Report (Documents 1–59)
- Index