44. Telegram From the Embassy in Vietnam to the Department of State1
1007. Reference: Embassy telegrams 7562 and 8923 and Embdesp 299.4 Following is summary January developments relating GVN implementation joint memorandum of understanding.
- A.
- National Internal Security Council. NISC met January 5, 8 and 27 (Dec. Meetings on 13th and 22nd). Problems discussed included road construction, strategic hamlet program, population resettlement, and situation in Quang Nagi Province. Council appears at this moment to be primarily briefing forum rather than decision making or discussion body. MAAG aware one or two occasions where NISC apparently contributed toward solving particular problems, but still too early for more general assessment of institution.
- B.
- Military Command Structure. GVN considering abolishing field command and making corps directly responsible JCS. Impact and implication of such move now being studied.MAAGʼs initial reaction is that this is regressive step, but strong JCS might be preferable phantom field command.
- C.
- Intelligence.
- [1.]
Preoccupation of key Vietnamese personnel with a wide scope of organizational and operational problems tended limit progress and precluded spectacular advance in any one field of endeavor.
Previously programmed training courses for CIO, domestic inter service and police units, however, continued per schedule, and in general liaison arrangements were proceeding satisfactorily.
- 2.
- First military intelligence advisors arrived January for duty with corps and divisions. Future arrivals to be assigned provinces to work with sector commanders (province chiefs).
- D.
- Joint Provincial Surveys. Pilot project phase completed with Bien Hoa survey January 20. Reports now being compiled and recommendations studied. After allowing time observe utilization team recommendations, results will be evaluated to improve instructions to teams for further surveys.
- E.
- Border Ranger Force. January 11 President Diem agreed make available 11 corps total 10 Ranger companies for deployment along Laos/Viet-Nam frontier. January 23 DOD directed JCS implement Presidentʼs decision. However, formation order Ranger Force not imminent. Availability Ranger units directly related ARVN force increase and CG/SDC ability assume security duties now being performed by Rangers. Moreover, provincial authorities actively opposing release of Rangers to border patrol.
- F.
- Military Coordination.
- 1.
- Joint Operations Center began functioning end January with limited VNAF participation. (Center controls air operations on basis RVNAF target selections.) It has functioned satisfactorily so far, though it recognized participation other services desirable. U.S. Army representative has been assigned to the Center.
- 2.
- Joint air, naval and helicopter operations continued during month. Coordination was satisfactory and no command problems arose.
- 3.
- MAAG advisors now participating all important ARVN operations. Working relationships excellent.
- G.
- Administration. No additional U.S. advisors yet requested by GVN.
- H.
- Measures to win public support and broaden sense of participation
in war effort.
- 1.
- Provincial councils said to be in process formation, and Embassy told they will be in place by end of February.
- 2.
- Military training program for women concluded first phase January 26 with graduation ceremony which President attended. Of 1,450 trainees completing course only top 900 to be used immediately for provincial training programs; these scheduled begin March 1.
- 3.
- Military training program for government employees continues to spread, though GVN official described progress as slow.
- 4.
National economic council adjourned January 30 after studying 5-year development plan and effect of January 1 economic measures. Group has received wide publicity. Next session probably July.
Though too early evaluate effectiveness, its existence alone appears be having somewhat favorable effect.
- 5.
- GVN continuing take measures improve military morale. Nationwide campaign provide Tet packages for front-line soldiers and collect funds for other support activities being given wide publicity. Principal beneficiaries appear be soldiers in field.
- 6.
- Continuing to develop provincial service program for government officials, GVN announced late January calculation of seniority for promotion would henceforth be weighted to favor those with service outside cities.
- 7.
- Controversial and unpopular “Social purification bill” returned to National Assembly by President for amendment.
- 8.
- GVN has announced official Tet observances will take place within framework austerity. Usual celebrations at palace have been canceled and festivities in government ministries discouraged.
- I.
- Improvement of contacts between government and people. No special developments during period, but Cabinet ministers continue to travel (most by air) widely in country.
- J.
- More effective information program. DirGen info official told Emboff his office planned devote greater attention in future to vernacular press with view toward improving quality and standing local newspapers.
- K.
- Trial Non-commie Prisoners.
- 1.
- A close associate of leading oppositionist Dr. Den, under arrest since 1960 coup attempt, released by GVN early January.
- 2.
- Diem told … mid-January he considering releasing Den. However, no action so far.
- L.
- Amnesty Policy. DOD has developed four-part amnesty program relating (1) treatment of VC surrenderers and prisoners, (2) safe conduct system, (3) practices for inducing VC surrenders and (4) reindoctrination ARVN personnel captured by VC and released. Thuan has approved program and General Ty has instructed RVNAF to implement it, but necessary inter-ministerial coordination not yet arranged. While program still needs polishing, Task Force believes it should get under way, and may if necessary try to give it a shove.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.5/2-362. Secret; Limit Distribution. Repeated CINCPAC for Polad.↩
- Not printed, but see Foreign Relations, 1961–1963, vol. I, Document 305, footnote 4.↩
- Document 7.↩
- Dated January 22, not printed. (Department of State, Central Files, 751K.5/1-2262)↩