33. Telegram From the Embassy in Vietnam to the Department of State1

963. Reference: Deptel 907.2 Informed Thuan today (Jan. 24), for President Diem, designation of General Harkins and new title for US Military Assistance Command, Viet-Nam. Asked that Thuan inform Diem preliminarily, and requested to see President personally if he had any questions or problems. Thuan asked purpose of US move. I said purpose was to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and speed of US assistance to Viet-Nam in military matters. Thuan inquired what relationship would be between US Commander and Ambassador. I said that this remained to be worked out in precise terms; but that I thought relationship would be similar to present relationship-i.e., Ambassador would be senior US representative, US Commander would work in close contact and coordination with Ambassador and Task Force.

When Thuan asked whether General McGarr would remain, I said I believed that he would remain as Chief MAAG. Thuan again asked what was purpose of move, implying that he felt Diem would have questions on score of US giving appearance of moving in on Vietnamese conduct of war. I explained that we felt need to bring heavy and increasing MAAG activities and substantial US military operations in Viet-Nam under a single military chief, in view of the [Page 59] importance of the operation and the increased workload; that this did not imply any US desire to “take control”, our respective positions on this point being well understood.

Thuan said he would take the matter up with President Diem and let me know. I told him that we intended to issue a low-key press release, which I would coordinate with him when prepared, and that General Harkins, who is in opinion of those who know him an outstanding officer for this important position, was available to come to Saigon as soon as necessary preparatory arrangements had been completed.

(Pouched message referred Deptel 8983 not yet received.)

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/1-2462. Secret Priority; Eyes Only.
  2. Telegram 907, January 23, reads: “Assume you are promptly discussing with Diem designation of General Harkins and new title for US command. Also awaiting your recommendations on handling public announcement and when Harkins may proceed.” (Ibid., 751K.00/1-2362)
  3. Telegram 898, January 20, drafted by Rusk, reads: “Eyes Only reply your telegram from Hawaii coming first available air pouch. If any problems arise meanwhile, please let us know.” (Ibid., 751K.00/1-2062) Reference is to telegram 8140, Document 25.