232. Memorandum From the Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group in Vietnam (Timmes) to the Ambassador in Vietnam (Nolting)1

Reference cable number Embtel 1659 to Department, dated 25 June 1962,2 concerning conversation between you and Reverend Smith at Danang.

On last Tuesday and Wednesday, I visited the Hue area and spoke with the Senior Advisors from the I Corps area. None of the officers to whom I have spoken, including Colonel Patten, were familiar with the fact that any officer has spoken in a derogatory manner concerning the present regime, and each officer expressed amazement and surprise.

As you have been previously informed, since August 1961, I have made a particular point of personally orienting all the new personnel assigned to MAAG. A major part of this orientation is devoted to explaining the U.S. position concerning our unqualified support of the present government of Vietnam. It is particularly emphasized that President Diem and his associates have, since 1954, been faced with both the war against the sects and more recently with the Communist insurgency. It is further explained to the new MAAG personnel that, in my opinion, President Diem has proved himself to be the greatest anti-Communist fighter in the world today. Also, that no other country is so actively opposing Communism or making an effort of the same magnitude to remain a part of the Free World. I also explain that the reason for my orientation concerning the GVN is that certain of the critical articles appearing in the various news media fail to take into account the tremendous achievements of the government. Then I again discuss the position of the United States with respect to supporting the legally authorized government and explain that the consequences of failing to support the GVN can only result to the profit of the VC.

As you know, I make frequent visits to the various MAAG detachments. On the occasions of each visit, I always assemble the officers and enlisted men for the purpose of discussing MAAG operations and on each of these occasions, I further stress the fact that MAAG is here only to advise in military matters and is not concerned in any way with local politics. Also, I again point out the position of the U.S. Government and our adherence to this position.

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I want to assure you that we in MAAG are doing everything possible to further your policy of supporting the GVN. Please be assured of my continuous effort in this matter.

Charles J. Timmes
Maj Gen, USA
  1. Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 84, Saigon Embassy Files: FRC 68 A 5159, SGN (62) 19-GVN. Top Secret. Attached to the source text was a copy of a memorandum from Nolting to Timmes, June 30, thanking Timmes for his report.
  2. Document 226.