20. Memorandum From the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Lemnitzer) to Secretary of Defense McNamara1



  • Increase of GVN Forces
Reference is made to memorandum by the Deputy Secretary of Defense, dated 18 September 1961,2 which requested:
An interim report by 15 January 1962 of the assessment by the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Government of Vietnam (GVN) Forces and Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces (RVNAF) capabilities, and recommended changes in force objectives.
The views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff concerning the adequacy with which certain points included in the 4 August 1961 decision3 by the President on Joint Programs of Action with the Government of Vietnam had been met.
This memorandum responds to subparagraph 1 a above. Subparagraph 1 b was answered by JCSM-321-61, dated 30 November 1961.4
The Joint Chiefs of Staff are of the opinion that the currently authorized nine division equivalent force objective for Vietnam should not be increased at this time. However, provision of 5,000 working spaces in addition to the currently authorized 200,000 man force level is urgently required to provide Chief MAAG, Vietnam, flexibility in planning for many minor but important force structure changes such as augmentation for the RVNAF school system, support for additional light aircraft, scout dog handlers and cadre personnel for junk and river forces.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff believe the current pressing military problems are to persuade the GVN to: (a) train, organize and utilize properly their existing military and paramilitary resources; (b) develop a counter-insurgency campaign plan; (c) implement clearing actions on a province by province basis; and (d) retain control over cleared areas.
A subsequent assessment by the Joint Chiefs of Staff of strength requirements will reflect GVN and RVNAF capabilities and limitations, associated with implementing actions discussed at the Secretary [Page 40] of Defense Conference on 16 December 1961 in CINCPAC Headquarters5 and related to the problems indicated in paragraph 4 above.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff recommend:
That the currently authorized nine division equivalent force objective for Vietnam not be increased at this time.
Approval of 5,000 working spaces in addition to the currently authorized 200,000 man force level for Vietnam.
For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
L.L. Lemnitzer
  1. Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 330, OSD Files: FRC 71 A 6489, VN (Sensitive). Top Secret. A stamped notation indicates that the Secretary of Defense saw the paper.
  2. Not printed.
  3. See Foreign Relations, 1961–1963, vol. I, Document 113.
  4. Not found.
  5. See Foreign Relations, 1961–1963, vol. I, Document 324.