181. Memorandum From the Naval Aide to the Presidentʼs Military Representative (Bagley) to the Presidentʼs Military Representative (Taylor)1
- Foreign Military Participation in South Viet-Nam
- 1.
- Mr. Cottrell advises me that the question of the desirability and extent of foreign military participation in the fight in South Viet-Nam has been carefully reviewed by State in the last few days. A decision [Page 374] has been made to pass on each case that comes up rather than attempt to organize any sort of multi-national contribution from the Washington end.
- 2.
- The first specific case is Korea. As you will see from the attached telegram,2 received during your absence, the Koreans have advised the United States officially of their plan to despatch a military mission to Saigon. This is the same project of which we had earlier word through intelligence channels.
- 3.
State has worked up a draft reply to the Ambassador in Seoul which, in effect, indicates the US has no objection to the Korean mission but expresses the desirability of coordinating the Groupʼs work with General Harkins on arrival in Saigon.
The decision is subject to concurrence of our Ambassadors in Seoul and Saigon and the outgoing telegram is so worded.3 Though Saigon and CINCPAC both received the attached telegram, neither has indicated their views.
You will note in paragraph 2 of the Seoul telegram that the mission includes experts in intelligence organization and operations; otherwise, the functional composition of the Korean group appears to be useful, can probably be absorbed without military complications, and will achieve the political objectives.
- 4.
- State is consulting with Defense this afternoon to gain their clearance on the draft telegram. Barring complications, an answer should be sent by Saturday.
- Source: National Defense University, Taylor Papers, T-016-69. Secret.↩
- Reference is to telegram 1135 from Seoul, April 28, not found attached. (Department of State, Central Files, 751K.5811/4-2862)↩
- Document 180.↩