159. Memorandum From the Vice Presidentʼs Military Aide (Burris) to the Vice President1


  • Threats to Diem

Following the many rumors of a coup and possible assassination of Diem the two South Vietnamese pilots bombed the palace and Diem escaped.2 This action set off full-scale plotting against Diem to [Page 331] the extent that there are now three principal groups which have been organized to take over the country at the slightest provocation or opportunity.

The first group is composed mostly of political leaders and Diemʼs brother has even expressed his support of this particular element. A second group is a mixture of lesser political and lesser military personalities and is considered less likely than the other two to achieve success. The third group is potentially the most powerful since it controls the Armed Forces and can easily assume control of the Government. The leading figure is the Commanding General of the Army Field Command.

While no disaffection has yet appeared, it nevertheless seems certain that Diem will be overthrown. This would resolve one of the comparative minor problems of his conduct of government along lines suggested by the United States. However, precipitant action by one of these groups could well reverse the trend toward liberalism which Diem has begun to observe.

  1. Source: Johnson Library, Vice Presidential Security File, Memos from Colonel Burris, Jan. 61-June 62. Secret.
  2. See Documents 87 and 88.