152. Telegram From the Embassy in Vietnam to the Department of State1

1289. Our 1273.2 Trueheart and Mendenhall had second talk with Lac April 9. Lac will be attached to Thuan in latterʼs capacity as Coordinating SecState for Security. Lac indicated he expects work as “chief of staff” to Thuan in coordinating pacification planning and operations in Delta. Expects maintain close liaison with other ministries including Civic Action and Interior in particular. Does not expect issue orders in his own name to other ministries or to regional delegates or military officers outside Saigon but rather to work through tact and persuasion and any orders issued will be in name of Thuan or President.

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Since we understand overall Delta Pacification Directive says Thuan will be responsible to President for execution of plan but SecState Interior still responsible for strategic hamlet program (despatch 355),3 we asked Lac how this would work. He anticipates no trouble since Thuan sits on strategic hamlets committee and SecState Interior comes under Thuanʼs overall coordinating authority in latterʼs capacity as Coordinating SecState for Security.

Lac told us President has not yet approved four “instructions” under overall Delta Pacification Directive on coordination. strategic hamlets, population control and civic action. Lac himself in process studying drafts of these instructions with view toward recommending to Thuan and President form they should take and any substantive changes he considers necessary.

Specific problem on which he focusing is coordinating mechanism in corps tactical zones, specifically 5th, 7th and 21st Division areas in 3rd Corps tactical zone. Lac inclined recommend formula that Division commander should be head of coordinating committee because of his control of troops which may have to be used outside as well as within area encompassed in Delta Pacification Plan. Exception might be made in case of General Cao, whose pacification operations in 5th Division area already well advanced.

Lac now beginning assemble his staff but evidently this is going to take time. He feels (and we agree) that it would be wiser use personnel who will be permanent members his staff to conduct studies in provinces as base for developing pacification planning rather than drawing in temporary personnel. He quite prepared that we work with him on these planning studies in provinces.

As foreshadowed reftel province studies moving in different direction from earlier generalized provincial surveys. Can be expected new studies in conjunction Lac and his staff will be keyed closely to specific pacification planning needs. We are sure Dept will agree this is desirable shift in emphasis. Appears to us under these circumstances that Americans working with Lac and his staff on province studies should be those who will continue work with him and lower echelon Vietnamese officials in execution plans in order maintain continuity of familiarity with situation and what is being done about it. Will be desirable also associate USOM directly with these studies and believe in view Lacʼs present attitude this should be readily possible.

In view length time which may still be involved before new type province study gets underway as well as desirability maintaining continuity American personnel working on pacification we reluctantly conclude that Heavner should probably return Washington. Regret it has not been possible induce GVN move faster on surveys while he [Page 320] was here but think it has nevertheless been useful to Task Force Vietnam for him to have had fresh first hand look at Vietnam. Heavner would like stay an additional ten days or two weeks in order visit several southern provinces on his own prior return. Request instructions re Heavner.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.S/4-1062. Confidential; Priority. Repeated to CINCPAC for Polad.
  2. Telegram 1273 from Saigon, April 6, reported on a talk between Mendenhall and Lac on April 4 about provincial surveys. Lac, who impressed Mendenhall with his intelligence and straightforwardness, had not previously heard of the provincial surveys but was awaiting an appointment with Thuan to ascertain his responsibilities. (Ibid., 751K.5/4-662)
  3. See Document 46.
  4. Heavner was in Vietnam during March and April to assist with provincial surveys) see Document 173.