290. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in India1

1837. For Ambassador. Re Embtel 1501 to Dept, rptd 40 to Saigon, 42 to Geneva.2 Believe DRV Minister whom Hanoi proposing send New Delhi is DRV Minister Health Pham Ngoc Thach.

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Thach now in Djakarta (as personal envoy Ho Chi Minh) to outline DRV view VN situation. Thach’s travels plus DRV complaint to UN add up to major DRV effort counter forthcoming Jorden report, brand US assistance GVN as aggression. DRV diplomatic offensive underscores importance keeping Indians informed true situation SVN.

Dept believes any meeting between you and Hanoi envoy would have bad effect Saigon. Diem and many influential Vietnamese seriously concerned US may seek negotiate Viet-Nam settlement which would result ultimate Communist control SVN. Since it is our policy give full support to GVN we must avoid any move that might appear, or which DRV propaganda could cause to appear, as prelude to US reduction its commitments to VietNam.

While Dept believes it unwise for you see Thach, it might be useful for Desai to convey our views to him. You may at discretion remind Desai salient points US position as explained to him in Washington, i.e. sole US role in Viet-Nam is to assist that country defend its independence. You might also point out that expression Indian concern re VC terror tactics (reference to Nam case, attacks malaria teams, schools) could have salutary effect, particularly if Indian officials indicate they well aware of DRV direction VC.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/11 2861. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Wood, Heavner, and Horgan; cleared with Anderson (SEA) and Weil (SOA); and initialed by Weil for the Secretary. Repeated to Saigon, Geneva for FECON, and USUN.
  2. Document 282.