235. List of Questions Prepared by the President1

Questions for the Meeting on South Vietnam, 12:00, November 11, 1961

Will this program be effective without including the introduction of a U.S. troop task force?
What reasons shall we give Diem for not acceding to his request for U.S. troops?
Under what circumstances would we reconsider our decision on troops? How are we relating their possible introduction to the Laotian negotiations?
Is the U.S. commitment to prevent the fall of South Viet-Nam to Communism to be a public act or an internal policy decision of the U.S. Government?
To what extent is our offer of help to Diem contingent upon his prior implementation of the reform measures which we are proposing to him?
I note the view of the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff contained in paragraph 5, page 3.2 Does our ability to support forces in action include those of our Allies as well as U.S. forces?
How will we organize the execution of this program (a) in Washington, (b) in Saigon?
How do you propose to proceed now in bringing this matter to me as a coordinated recommendation?
  1. Source: National Defense University, Taylor Papers, T-642D-71. Secret. Also printed in Declassified Documents, 1976, p. 210F.
  2. Reference is to the memorandum discussed in Document 234.