23. Editorial Note

At the third closed session of the SEATO Council meeting, March 29, 1961, the United States Delegation introduced a draft resolution that had the unanimous support of all the attending Foreign Ministers. Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the resolution read:

“The Council also noted with concern the efforts of an armed minority, again supported from outside in violation of the Geneva Accords, to destroy the Government of Vietnam and declared its firm revolve not to acquiesce in any such take over of that country.

“Finally, the Council records its view that the Organization should continue to keep developments in Laos and Vietnam under urgent and constant review in the light of this resolution.”

[Page 61]

This resolution was approved by the Council as part of the final communiqué with the addition of the word “South” before Vietnam in paragraph 7. For full text of the final communiqué, see American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1961, pages 9-43. The United States Delegation record of the third closed session was transmitted in Secto 27 from Bangkok, March 29. It and other documentation on the SEATO meeting are in Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 65 D 366. CFs 1822-1931.