129. Telegram From the Embassy in Vietnam to the Department of State1

323. From William Jorden. Task Force VN. Subject: Progress Report.

GVN authorities including Thuan have promised fullest cooperation our project. Small working group established through Dr. Tuyen with Dang Duc Khoi and Tran Tam assigned as joint counterparts to work with me in gathering assessing material. Have sorted thru cases previously submitted ICC and see need for fresher harder evidence… . friends on ICC doubtful of chances ever winning condemnation of DRV short of massive aggression by them [Page 296] but commission remains useful forum for initial presentation of such evidence as available.

Have asked get to scene of current fighting to see what is produced on spot in way evidence of subversion before it is sifted and scattered.

GVN officials feel they have missed boat in this whole area in past and are grateful our interest and help. They now talking in terms of setting up permanent group to gather evidence of subversion and to arrange for its dissemination through available channels. Question of possible US-GVN group to do job been raised but I have emphasized that I could not comment and that it would be matter for consultation through embassy. Have given personal opinion that it is primarily matter for GVN but that we prepared to help informally with advice, suggestions, etc.

Hopeful this week will produce something worthwhile. As you know time has different meaning this part of globe but think we are moving.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.5-MSP/9-661. Confidential.