73. Telegram From the Chief of Naval Operations (Burke) to the Commander in Chief, Pacific (Felt)0
071705Z. Since Communists are not now firing against offshore islands and did not try to interfere with last convoy State considers it particularly important we avoid any action which is provocative or might be made to appear provocative before world opinion. Small incidents or minor events may have great impact on negotiations about to be undertaken between U.S. and ChiComs.
JCS 9472981 remains in effect but suggest as long as ChiComs withhold fire on offshore islands only one U.S. destroyer be in sight of off loading beaches Kinmen. This one ship could control situation, call for additional U.S. and GRC support if ChiComs renew attack as well as make sure GRC Navy takes proper action.
Other U.S. supporting ships could remain over the horizon. GRC furnish air escort while U.S. aircraft remain in supporting position over Taiwan as your excellent plan provided for first convey. Suggest build up supplies in Kinmen during lull. Report plans.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 793.5/9–758. Top Secret; Operational Immediate. Drafted by Burke. Also sent to COMTAIWANDEFCOM(US) and COMSEVENTHFLT.↩
- Document 53.↩