251. Telegram From the Embassy in Poland to the Department of State0
913. USUN for Lodge. Beam–Wang Talks. 86th meeting 2 hours 25 minutes.1
Iled off with strong statement on Taiwan issue based on Deptels 739 and 741.2 Wang replied US mention of shelling of Quemoy was attempt drag talks back to discussion ceasefire, an attempt which could never succeed. Said shelling entirely internal Chinese matter in which no foreign power had right interfere.
Wang then read from comparatively mild prepared statement, starting out by expressing hope that New Year would bring departure US troops from Taiwan area, progress in talks and improvement relations between US and China. Continued along familiar lines accusing US of occupation Chinese territory, plotting create two Chinas and desiring obtain Taiwan for own use as unsinkable aircraft carrier. Said US effort compare China situation to that other divided countries proved US intention set up Taiwan as separate government similar to those of South Vietnam and South Korea. Then endeavored draw parallel between US relationship to Chiang and Japanese to Pu Yi. Concluded with appeal for US to show it sincerely accepted principle renunciation force by withdrawing forces from Taiwan area.
After brief rebuttal Wang statements I attacked his distorted interpretation 1955 agreed announcement using statements he had made concerning release American prisoners during Geneva negotiations. [Page 512] Wang deplored diversion of discussion from Taiwan issue, maintained allegation agreed announcement did not apply to US prisoners and attacked alleged US continued detention Chinese.
After some further give and take I queried Wang on Bishop Walsh but he refused information on ground case still under investigation. Regarding fate of Americans aboard yacht Tora or missing airplane, Wang said his government had investigated and had no information on either incident. Then complained bitterly that reference Hong Kong newspaper reports concerning fate these Americans had been inserted by US with malicious intent of defaming PRC. I then referred to Red Cross parcel delivery following which proposed next meeting Friday, February 13, 2:00 p.m. to which Wang agreed.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/1–959. Confidential; Priority; Limit Distribution. Repeated to USUN and Taipei.↩
- Beam sent a detailed report of the meeting in telegram 914, January 9, 1959, and sent his comments and recommendations in telegram 916, January 10, 1959. (Ibid., 611.93/1–959 and 611.93/1–1059, respectively; see Supplement)↩
- Telegrams 739 and 741 to Warsaw, January 7 and 8, respectively, transmitted Beam’s instructions for the meeting. Telegram 739 instructed Beam to open with a “strong denunciation” of the “every-other-day shelling of Quemoy which results in indiscriminate killing and destruction.” Telegram 741 provided updated information and argumentation. (Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/1–759 and 611.93/1–859, respectively; see Supplement)↩