231. Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State0

702. CINCPAC for Felt and Steeves. Smoot and I agree with tactics set forth CINCPAC 282336Z and Deptel 3981 for handling existing situation.

Chiang’s position is not clear to Smoot and me; Wang has told Smoot he is agreeable to trying to beach single LST on even days weather permitting. In general, GRC appears taking relaxed position toward resupply now. Smoot considers Defense Minister, Tiger Wang and Admiral Liang all have displayed reticence. He does not know whether this reticence is deliberate or whether officials simply have not made up minds how to tackle situation. It appears likely, however, attempt will be made when weather abates to beach single LST on even days to test Communist reaction. If all goes well number beached should be stepped up. Additionally, in order to vary resupply method and avoid appearance full compliance with Communist dictates some token attempts may be made on odd days to send LVTs. Smoot will advise against latter action as risky and costly unless deemed logistically necessary.

GRC has not asked for US escort since Communists laid down latest rules; their most recent request has been for use of LSD which was not pressed when Smoot demurred. Smoot and I agree time will come when GRC may need LSD. In anticipation of this need and in order to avoid direct US participation, Smoot is recommending that we lend one LSD to GRC and train GRC crew in its use. I endorse this recommendation and urge it be acted upon affirmatively at early date.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 793.00/10–3158. Top Secret; Limit Distribution. Repeated to CINCPAC for Felt and Steeves.
  2. See footnotes 1 and 2, Document 230.