228. Memorandum for the Record0
At the conference between the President, Secretary Dulles, and General Twining (10:55 AM, 30 October 1958),1 General Twining brought up the subject of aerial reconnaissance in the Taiwan Straits area.
Admiral Smoot had desired to resume conducting Chinese Nationalist reconnaissance flights over China; this had been disapproved. In this regard, Secretary Dulles indicated that the U.S. had dispatched its own high-altitude reconnaissance flights to the mainland with the understanding that permission had been granted by the President. The President indicated that he had been unaware of the resumption of this activity. The meeting ended with the understanding that such reconnaissance flights as are flown should be flown by U.S. forces and that the benefit of these flights should be given to the Chinese Nationalists. Permission to execute these reconnaissance missions must be secured on a mission-by-mission basis from the President.
Major, United States Army
- Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, DDE Diaries. Top Secret. Prepared by Major Eisenhower.↩
- See Document 227.↩