224. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China0

395. Please deliver following personal message to President Chiang from Secretary.

“October 29, 1958. Dear Mr. President: I have been greatly encouraged by the impact of our joint communiqué upon the free world [Page 468] nations. I sense a general feeling of relief, and of recognition of your statesmanship in having been willing to put the mission of your Government on a higher plane than mere reliance on force alone.

We have been actively bringing your statement, in sympathetic terms, to the attention of various friendly governments, and invariably the reaction has been good. I do not doubt but what there has been a very considerable gain in world opinion, at least in stemming a tide which was running strongly against our common policies.

Immediately upon your return, Mrs. Dulles and I spoke to Madame[Chiang] on the telephone in New York and gave her the report of our visit and of you.

With high regard, I am

Sincerely yours, John Foster Dulles.”

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/10–2958. Confidential. Drafted by Dulles, cleared by Robertson, and approved by Dulles.