168. Telegram From the Commander, U.S. Taiwan Defense Command (Smoot) to the Commander in Chief, Pacific (Felt)0
080540Z. Your 062137Z1 provides excellent background for my current actions and orders. All actions indicated were directed yesterday in conference herewith COMSEVENTHFLT, CTF 72 and COMATF 13(P). I am referring press to Washington on all items pertaining to convoy activity. Have requested discontinuance air drops. High winds in Straits today expected to interfere with operations. This morning I received a dramatically encouraging report from Chief Army Section, MAAG, General Bork, who, with staff, visited Kinmen yesterday and made a thorough inspection. Complete report will follow. However, commanders there indicate no problem whatsoever in supply. Bork amazed by small damage of 430 thou rounds except in immediate area China [T?] batteries. Casualties low. Spectacular improvement in beach organization reported. Junk operation extremely successful and perishables such as flour to be sent hereafter only by junks. Morale as indicated by activity, alertness and appearance of ChiNat soldiers and officers far better than before 23 August. Advisers’ morale high and all in good health. General Hu undertaking reduction Tan Island garrison which, according to report, is in excellent shape and in contact by boat nightly with Kinmen, despite fire they have received. General Hu’s artillery [Page 349] commander considered highly competent and making excellent preparations for receipt of 155 and 8 inch guns. Damage to guns by ChiCom counter battery minor. Parachute recovery system progressing satisfactorily. Energetic beach preparations underway in anticipation use of bares, junks, sampans and in preparation for renewal intensive ChiCom fire. My report tonight will be full of details which may be useful to demonstrate what, to me, is US/GRC complete success in resupplying Kinmen despite ChiCom fire and all troubles we have had since 23 August.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 793.5/10–858. Top Secret; Operational Immediate. Repeated to JCS, CNO, CINCUSARPAC, CINCPACFLT, CINCPACAF, and COMSEVENTHFLT. Received at the Department of the Navy at 6:13 a.m.↩
- CINCPAC telegram 062137Z to COMTAIWANDEFCOM(US), October 7; a copy is in Washington National Records Center, RG 84, Taipei Embassy Files: Lot 62 F 83, FRC 68 A 5159, Item 147; see Supplement.↩