161. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China0

306. For Ambassador from Robertson. Your 548.1 JCS 947298 of August 29 to CINCPAC and COMTAIWANDEFCOM2 directed that “within international waters, that is beyond the three mile limit, give convoy protection and escort to the extent you feel militarily necessary and to the extent GRC forces cannot fulfill this task”. In accordance paragraph 5 of this JCS directive, we assume GRC informed of above groundrules for US participation convoy activity.

Citing this background you should inform GRC authorities that, while we are fully aware of absurdity of charges made in Peng’s statement and while we have no doubt that it was intended to split GRC and US, fact remains that if Chicoms suspend shooting and attacks on resupply operations there is no need for US escort activities. If GRC wishes to continue convoys during suspended hostilities, that is their decision. Suspension of US escort activities need not be explained in terms of reaction to Peng’s proposal, but simply as logical consequence of Communist suspension of aggressive armed attacks on islands and resupply operations. Failure to reciprocate would place US in highly disadvantageous position before US and world opinion, and leave US Government in completely untenable position in terms of its repeated insistence on cease-fire as first objective.

Even more serious is distinct possibility that if US persists in convoy activities it will force Chicoms to resume hostilities, perhaps on even broader scale. We must, of course, leave no stone unturned in our efforts to find a peaceful solution safeguarding US and GRC interests. If it becomes public knowledge that during Chicom suspension of gunfire US continuing escort activities at insistence of GRC, result could be most damaging to US–GRC relations and objective of Peng’s statement would have been realized.

Finally you should stress that suspension of Chicom gunfire and other hostile acts provides golden opportunity for GRC to undertake removal of wounded, build-up of supplies, repair airfields, roads and other facilities and take other measures for preparing Quemoy islands against eventuality of resumed hostilities. From every consideration of GRC self-interest it would be folly to nullify this opportunity by such actions as unnecessary US escort activities or GRC provocations.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 793.5/10-658. Top Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Green; cleared by Martin, Parsons, and Robertson and with S/S; and approved by Herter.
  2. Document 158.
  3. Document 53.