15. Memorandum From the Special Assistant to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for National Security Council Affairs (Triebel) to the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Cutler)0
- U.S. Policy on Indonesia (NSC 5518)1
- 1.
- Enclosure A, which was developed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in November 1957, is forwarded herewith for Planning Board consideration in connection with the scheduled review of NSC 5518.
- 2.
- Paragraph 5–d of Enclosure A recommends an immediate token military aid program for Indonesia. Subsequent to the development of Enclosure A and the recent unrest in Indonesia, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have stated that in view of the general political instability of Indonesia, recent developments affecting the interests of U.S. Allies, and the uncertainty as to the manner in which military assistance would be utilized, it now appears that political and other considerations may dictate whether or not token aid should be provided to Indonesia, and if so, when it should be delivered.
Rear Admiral, USN
- Source: Department of State, S/S–NSC Files: Lot 62 D 1, Indonesia. Top Secret.↩
- NSC 5518, “U.S. Policy on Indonesia,” approved by the President on May 12, 1955, is printed in Foreign Relations, 1955–1957, vol. XXII, pp. 153–157.↩
- For text of NSC Action No. 1788, see ibid., footnote 5, p. 452.↩
- The Special Report, September 3, 1957, is ibid., pp. 436–440. See also the memorandum of NSC discussion of September 23, 1957, ibid., pp. 450–453.↩
In a February 12 memorandum to Triebel Cutler wrote “I am not clear to whom the Joint Chiefs were making this recommendation or why, if they thought the recommendation should be brought to the early attention of the National Security Council, it was not forwarded until some three months after its date and then to the Planning Board instead of to the Secretary of Defense for the Council.” (Eisenhower Library, Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Records)
In a February 13 memorandum to Cutler Triebel explained that when he forwarded the JCS report under cover of his memorandum of February 12, a meeting of the Planning Board to discuss Indonesia had been scheduled for February 13. The JCS felt that their views should be considered by the Planning Board in connection with the over-all policy review and Triebel’s February 10 memorandum was prepared so that Planning Board members could have the JCS views prior to consideration of policy toward Indonesia. Planning Board consideration of Indonesia policy, However, had been postponed. (Department of State, S/S–NSC Files: Lot 63 D 351, NSC 5518 Series)