230. Editorial Note
On June 30, Prime Minister Phoui Sananikone accepted for his government French and U.S. notes of June 26 in which the two governments formally offered Laos a joint training program for the Lao National Army. The French would provide on detached service from the French Military Mission 12 teams of French officers or non-commissioned officers for individual unit tactical training. The U.S. contribution was to be 12 teams of “civilian technicians” to assist the French Military Mission teams by providing individual technical training in communications, motor maintenance, demolition, field engineers and expedients, field sanitation and first aid, company administration and maintenance, and operation and employment of U.S. weapons. A translation of the formal Lao note accepting the U.S.-French offer was transmitted in telegram 2240 from Vientiane, June 30. (Department of State, Central Files, 751J.5/6–3059) A translation of the French note of June 26 is in telegram 2227 from Vientiane, June 27. (ibid., 751J.5/6–2759) A copy of the U.S. note of June 26 was transmitted in despatch 3 from Vientiane, July 2. (ibid., 751J.5/7–259)