557. Telegram From the Embassy in Thailand to the Department of State1
704. According to info received by JUSMAG from CINCPAC the amount of $one million four hundred five thousand three hundred ($1,405,300) of POL for Thailand in FY 61 program has been deferred by Department and DOD has submitted reclama.
Chief JUSMAG Message 8012 DTG 0709552 October 1960 to CINCPAC2 repeated OSD and JCS summarizes current factual situation with respect POL. If POL not programmed practical effects will be almost immediate especially on Navy and Army who are not authorized any reserve MAP stocks, and continuation deferral for any length of time will have most serious effect on both morale and combat readiness Thai Armed Forces.
Given critical Lao situation and understandable deep Thai concern over defense posture of Thailand as well as Thai concern over attitudes its SEATO allies, present is most inopportune time possible cease POL support. Also seems to me would be highly inconsistent with our present policy attempting to reassure Thailand our interest and concern.
Would appreciate being informed and having opportunity comment further if deferral is not soon to be lifted.3