553. Letter From the Chargé in Thailand (Unger) to Prime Minister Sarit Thanarat1
Excellency: I take pleasure in advising Your Excellency that America aid to Thailand for Fiscal Year 1960 has recently been increased in the amount of $602,000 for Technical Assistance and $325,000 from the Special Private Investment Development Fund. An additional $597,000 has been provided for regional projects in which Thailand is a major beneficiary. This aid is over and above the $4.3 million of Technical Assistance, $315,000 of Special Assistance for the eradication of malaria, and $18.5 million of Defense Support funds which Ambassador Johnson advised you had been made available to Thailand in his letter of November 7, 1959.2
These additional funds have been made available by the International Cooperation Administration, Washington, D.C., for the following specific continuing projects:
[Here follows a listing of seven specific projects.]
In view of the high priority your Government has placed upon these projects, we are very pleased indeed that these additional funds could be made available.3
[Page 1137]With kind personal regards, I am,
Respectfully yours,
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 790.5–MSP/7–2060. Unclassified. The source text is a copy sent to the Department of State as an enclosure to despatch 26 from Bangkok, July 20.↩
- Document 535.↩
- Despatch 26 also forwarded a copy of Prime Minister Sarit’s letter of acknowledgment dated July 8. In it, he thanked Unger and Ambassador Johnson for their untiring efforts in supporting Thailand and expressed appreciation and gratification at the increase in aid which would serve to strengthen Thai security.↩
- Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.↩